Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Anthony Clark, Sergeant
Benjamin Butterworth, Lieutenant
Christopher Myers, Lieutenant
Christian Reiff, Patriotic Service
Christian Snidow, Lieutenant
Christopher Myers, Lieutenant
Craven Peyton, Civil Service
David Catlett, Private
David England, Soldier
Daniel Hitchcock, Private
Daniel Ramey, Soldier, Civil Service
Edward Stewart, Ensign
Elijah Threldkeld, Captain
Francis Irwin, Patriotic Service
Francis Reed, Patriotic Service
George Corn, Patriotic Service
Jesse Meader, Soldier
Joel Berry, Private
John Harmon, Patriotic Service, Soldier
John Jarratt, Patriotic Service
John Kirkland, Private, Patriotic Service
John Lillard, Captain
John Myrtle, Soldier
John PIgg, Patriotic Service
John Tayloe, Patriotic Service
John Wilhoit, Patriotic Service
Jonathan Grant, Private
Joseph Lusk, Private
Littleberry Witt, Private
Moses Broyles, Patriotic Service
Nathaniel Cochran, Patriotic Service
Richard Callaway, Colonel, Patriotic Service
Richard Gentry, Private
Richard B. Hooper, Sergeant
Richard McCary, Sr, Patriotic Service
Richard White, Soldier
Robert Mccormick, Soldier
Robert McFarland, Lieutenant
Robert Sadler, Patriotic Service
Shadrack Boas, Patriotic Service
Stephen King, Private
Thomas Drake, Patriotic Service
Thomas Lewis, Patriotic Service
Thomas Nelson, Brigadier General
Valentine Cunningham, Private
William Kirby, Soldier
William Morris, Sr., Patriotic Service
William Ramsay, Patriotic Service
William Stewart, Soldier
William Augustine Washington, Lieutenant Colonel
Joseph Charles Rouillard, Rendered Aid
Benadam Gallup, Sr., Lieutenant
Daniel Hitchcock, Private
Ezekiel Canfield, Private
George Flower, Private
Hezekiah Goff, Private
Isaac Miles, Private
James Hoisington, Jr., Corporal
Jesup Wakeman, Patriotic Service
Jethro Hatch, Major
Joel Phelps, Patriotic Service
Joseph Lewis, Private
Samuel Nash, Patriotic Service
Samuel Newton, Private
Squire Davenport, Private
Daniel Lowber, Private
Joseph Sapp, Private
Nancy Ann Morgan Hart, Patriotic Service
Benjamin Hart, Sergeant
John Low, Patriotic Service
John Milner, Soldier
Louisiana (Spanish America)
Alphonse Perret, Patriotic Service
Jean Baptiste Champagne, Patriotic Service
Noel Etienne Soileau, Patriotic Service
Aquila Norris, Captain, Patriot Service
Adam Maine, Patriotic Service
Anthony Clark, Sargent
Francis Turpin, Captain
George Timmerman, Patriotic Service
George Warner, Private
John Haymond Nichols, Captain
Lemuel Gustin, Staff Officer
Zackariah Turner, Private
Asa French, Private
David Forrest, Private
David Jewett, Noncommissioned Officer
Ebenezer Johnson, Private
Ezra Wait, Private
George Little, Sea Captain
Job Smith, Private
Joel Lyman, Lieutenant
John Houston, Private
Joseph Weston, Sr., Patriotic Service
Joshua Brackett, Jr., Private
Noah Wilson, Private
Peter Twitchell, Private
Stephen Adams, Soldier
New Hampshire
Abraham Drake, Sr., Colonel
David Call, Patriotic Service
John DeMerit, Major
John Stark, Major General
Josiah Bean, Lieutenant
Nathaniel Gilman, Lieutenant
Samuel Lang, Private
New Jersey
Aaron De Witt, Private
Abner Penton, Captain
Auke Wikoff, Colonel, Patriotic Service
David Beach, Private
Isaac Dodd, Captain, Civil Service
John Emery, Patriotic Service
John Stillwell, Staff Officer
John Van Blarcom, Patriotic Service
Jonathan Wiggins, Patriotic Service
Thomas Carhart, Private
New York
Asa Hall, Private
Bezaleel, Seeley, Patriotic Service
Evert Van Wagenen, Patriotic Service
Isaac Fonda, Jr., Private
Jacob Masten, Private, Patriotic Service
John Myrtle, Soldier
John Sisson, Private
Joseph Utter, Soldier
Nathaniel Rowe Jr., Private
Nathaniel Rowe Sr., Captain
Nathaniel Satterlee, Sr., Patriotic Service
Nathaniel Sattterlee Jr., Private
Robert Travis, Private
Samuel Satterlee, Patriotic Service
Thomas Carhart, Private
William Smith Livingston, Major
Zophar Ketchum, Private
North Carolina
Achilles Crafts, Private
Benjamin Hubbard, Civil Service
David Alderman, Soldier
Drewry Allen, Private
Henry Moseley, Patriotic Service
Jacob Hackleman, Private
John Gully, Sergeant
John Merrill, Lieutenant
John Williams, Colonel, Patriotic Service
John Wilcoxson, Patriotic Service
John Wright, Private
Larkin Johnston, Patriotic Service
Michael Hackleman, Patriotic Service
Moses Broyles, Soldier
Nathaniel Kerr, Soldier
Parish Simms, Soldier
Patrick Watson, Major
Robert Rutherford, Colonel
Samuel Culbertson, Patriotic Service
Thomas Cook, Private
Thomas Gibbons, Patriotic Service
Thomas Hall, Private
Thomas Polk, Patriotic Service
Vincent Hollingsworth, Patriotic Service
William Hudspeth, Soldier
William Wallace, Private
Archibald Cooper, Private, Patriotic Service
Andrew Dressler, Patriotic Service
Bethuel Covalt, Ensign
Dewalt Mechlin, Ensign
Elisha Hough, Private
George Nicholas Hesser, Private
George Ulrich, Lieutenant
Henry Banta, Member Committee of Observation
Henry Nagle, Sergeant
James Moore, Jr., Lieutenant Colonel
John Bender, Private
John Craig, Private
John George Harrold, Patriotic Service
John Mccullough, Private
John Walker, Private
Jonathan Benjamin, Private
Ludwick Liberger, Private
Nathaniel Walker, Private
Nicholas Beisecker, Private
Phillip Tabor, Private
Robert Smith, Colonel, Patriotic Service
Solomon Lightcap, Sr., Patriotic Service
Thomas Miesse, Private
William Kennedy, Private
Valentine Fehl, Private
South Carolina
Jane Black Thomas, Patriotic Service
Alexander Foster, Private
Benjamin Darby, Private
Christopher Kaufman, Soldier
Flud Mitchell, Private
Francis Boykin, Captain
Francis Reed, Patriotic Service
Jacob Rumph, Jr., Captain
James Savage, Soldier
Jesse Mixon, Soldier
John Harmon, Soldier, Patriotic Service
John Thomas, Sr., Colonel
Josiah Culbertson, Private
Moses Manning, Private
Nathan Johnston, Private
William Henry Sr., Patriotic Service
William Nesbitt, Colonel
Edwin Corbin, Soldier
Ezra Squire, Private
Israel Ellsworth, Private
A Patriot is defined by the NSDAR as an individual, regardless of race, creed, or gender that either served in the American Revolutionary War armed forces or contributed to the cause of American freedom.
Please visit NSDAR's Genealogy page to learn more.
Names in Bold = Woman Patriot
Names in Italics = Signer of the Declaration of Independence
Patriotic Service was a person who signed the Oath of Allegiance and/or supported the cause of American freedom.
Virginians are listed first as the chapter is chartered in Virginia. Our members have ancestors from all 13 colonies, plus French Canada and Spanish Louisiana, which was a colony of Spain and NSDAR shows the state of service as Spanish America.
Visit the Virginia Daughters of the American Revolution website
To learn more about becoming a member, please visit the NSDAR website
Photo credits: All photos on the website are courtesy of the John Alexander Chapter, NSDAR, historian, and property of the John Alexander Chapter, NSDAR
The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual NSDAR chapters.
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Updated April 20, 2020